Senin, 28 November 2011

Love.. is like a song.

Setiap Orang memiliki kenangannya masing-masing. Orang bijak bilang bahwa sekalipun kita memiliki ingatan yang parah, ingatan tentang cinta dan kasih sayang adalah ingatan yang paling membekas sepanjang masa. Ada yang bilang bahwa orang bahagia bernyanyi, orang sedih berpuisi. tapi semakin banyak lagu yang mengungkapkan kesedihan sehingga kutipan itu tidak lagi berlalu. Yang jelas, seseorang berkarya itu memiliki dorongan apapun yang ada dalam hidupnya dan berkaitan dengan hati yang terkoordinasi dengan baik dengan otak. 

Ups... i think , i can write english, i hope he read it. :P

I dont know why i m confident to sing a song. I m not good in singing. Maybe Last day SEA Games really touching my heart. N then I m singing! with Microphone n reach number 1 score in karaoke. I sing "When Your gone" by Avril Lavinge I think i lost million pixel energy from my heart. n I m cry... :(

Karaoke time, Last day in SEAgames :(( I m laugh in front of my friends but Crying baby in the
I guess, my live is not like "When Your Gone" Avril Lavinge. So, I m looking for another song to describe how i m feel. N tonight, i m find it!! This is karaoke version.

This feel is not permanent. I m not promise to love him forever. But i promise never forget him. Its just temporary n we are realistic. We are a mature human, so, we can thinking what happen in the future. Just thinking. But we dont know situation in the future. Because we are not a gipsy. hihihi... Maybe we cant meet each other but we can remember all the memory. Its not too bad.

But, life make me learn too much. Dont stop dreaming. :)

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