Kamis, 05 Maret 2020

Pretty Girl

There is tragedy, there is despair, there is upheaval. Then, that woman ends the curse of her miserable life in front of a passing train.

Few hours later, people and the media will talk about her as the pretty girl who died from suicide. That pretty girl will appear on the front page of a yellow press newspaper. They will portray her as a pretty girl who is always overly dramatic. They will write how this pretty girl –unfortunately- is not very talented in being grateful.

The people who know her will remember her as a pretty girl who died too young. The people who don’t know her will remember a pretty girl who root in hell.

Meanwhile, the memory of that pretty girl is only about pain.


Yeah, only pain.

March, 13th 2018
Original blog post: Gadis Cantik
Translator: Yusni Aziz

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