Kamis, 05 Maret 2020

Oh no, it seems that I have to visit the doctor again


My condition right now is quite good. Mentally, physically. At least, that’s what I’ve been thinking. There’s no life events that can become a reason to be desperate. My boyfriend is very supportive, my friends are kind, and my family is quite harmonious (at this moment).

But there is one thing that keeps bothering me. I don’t know why. I always get sleepy in many situations. I will sleep during work, or when I hear others’ talk. Everywhere. I really want to wake up early in the morny. But everytime I successfully get up at 5, I will be sleepy again around 8 am, and I will wake up around 11. After that, I will get sleepy again around 3 pm.

This is unhealthy and unproductive. It bothers me a lot. I had been trying hard to sleep at 11 pm, or maximum 1 am. But I would get sleepy in the morning, even though I did not much with my phone the night before.

Because of this situation, many things were abandoned. I started to feel that I was really unprofessional.

But relax, I eventually decided to visit the doctor again. For the last 8 months, I stopped my medication without informing him. I felt healthy, until this annoying habit of sleepiness kept coming. I needed to find a way out of this. I asked my doctor if there was a chance it was a symptom of relapse, blood pressure, or anything with my blood sugar level. Or maybe, I was just simply lazy.

My doctor said that situation was actually a sign that I was about to relapse. I was shocked. How was it possible for me to relapse when I felt everything was doing fine?

So, I will be more diligent on drinking my medicine and psychotherapy. I hope I will change this habit of sleeping everywhere in a short time. Since our life can not be spent only by sleeping. I am also a normal human being who needs a productive time and creating something.

My doctor also said, since I stopped my medication for quite a long time, I had to adjust myself with the medicine by taking dose far smaller than before. This is the third week after my first check up, and now I can take half of the pill, from the quarter as recommended before. He said, later on I could take the whole pill. So hopefully, my body can adapt fastly with this med he gives me.

Stay healthy everyone!

July, 9th 2019

Original blog post: Waduh! Ternyata Aku Perlu ke Dokter Lagi
Translated by Yusni Aziz

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